Holly’s Angels Pull Together

A team of 20 fabulous females from New Hall Hospital, Salisbury, are taking on the Dorset Plane Pull in memory of their colleague, Holly Beckley.
This team beautifully named, ‘Holly’s Angels’, will be pulling a Boeing 737 plane, weighing in at a hefty 35,000 Kg, a distance of 50 metres! To add to the challenge, they will also be competing against other teams for the fasted time on the day.
Holly’s Angels are raising funds for Salisbury Hospice, in thanks of the care Holly and her family received. In their words “Holly was unique, amazing, funny, vibrant and above all else STRONG and never gave up, just like we won’t.”
We are so grateful for the efforts of this wonderful team and wish them the very best of luck with their challenge. Go girls!
The Dorset Plane Pull, takes place at Bournemouth International Airport on Monday 30th August 2021
If you would like to sponsor Holly’s Angels please visit their Just Giving page here.
New Hall Hospital is a local business, part of our 40 4 40 club. The club invites 40 big-hearted businesses to come together and jointly raise £40,000, in support hospice care in Salisbury and surrounding areas.
Joining the 40 4 40 Club is a fantastic way to show your company’s commitment to your local community, we need your help now more than ever! For more information on 40 4 40, please email Louise@salisburyhospicecharity.org.uk.

© Salisbury Hospice Charity

Website by Blue Bee

Registered charity no 1123314

Company registered in England & Wales 6525170


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